
  • Scaffolding


    Cities are the perfect example of continuous iteration. Never finished, ever changing, in a constant quest for product/market fit.

  • Heavy Metal and Long Cables

    Heavy Metal and Long Cables

    With all the WiFi, 4G, 5G and all the other Gs, it’s easy to forget that a lot of the infrastructure that allows us to like cat photos is built on heavy metal and long cables. (And yes, you can use the name for your band, I’ll allow it…)

  • Burgtheater


    One wheel, two wheels, four wheels, no wheels… What if we let everyone choose their way, without judging?

  • There’s more…

    There’s more…

    … and they are everywhere!

  • Recharging the drones

    Recharging the drones

    Much more practical than having to plug them into a power outlet for a few hours, innit?

  • Cold paws

    Cold paws

    What a week it was! Going from warm spring sun and blue sky to snowstorm within the hour. How does one expect a little dog can figure out the right shoes?

  • Stadtparksteg


    Crossing the Wien in the Stadtpark, one of my favorite spots in the city.

  • A big brush

    A big brush

    Some of us draw with a pencil in a tiny notepad, others use a big brush to paint on walls.

  • Looking up

    Looking up

    Probably checking the clouds as it started snowing again…

  • Fiat 238

    Fiat 238

    A rare encounter in 2021. This was some serious RV material when I was a kid.

  • Flakturm VII G-Turm

    Flakturm VII G-Turm

    I agree, Never Again!

  • Untitled


    I was walking along that wall, not thinking much of it or caring about what’s behind it. Suddenly, there was this door. Now I can’t stop wondering.